Drop the Gloves.

You’re Going Head-to-Head

With Fear.

Do you Dare to Lead?

 It’s time. Life in 2021 is asking more of you than ever before. And you’re ready for a stretch assignment: to step into the shoes of your best self.

They’re big shoes—the shoes of a high-value, high-contribution leader.

Big. But you’re damn well going to fill them. Because you’re finished with the old you. The one that avoids difficult conversations, needs to be liked, and keeps your thoughts to yourself because you don’t want to rock the boat. (You might also be like most folk in your tendency to talk about other people instead of talking to them. Or to burn yourself out trying to prove your worth. Or to be gripped by the tyranny of the immediate instead of focusing decision-making power on the issues that matter most.)

Have we got new learnings for you.

The cave you fear to enter contains the treasure you seek.

Joseph Campbell

Make Courage Your Master

Whether you’re a coach, a manager, a CEO or simply interested in leading yourself more competently, Inspired Results Group brings you Dare to Lead™, a research-backed approach to building and improving the skills required of courageous leaders.

The virtual Dare to Lead program with Diane Lloyd consists of five 4-hour virtual sessions of learning, reflecting, and growing with other emerging and experienced leaders.

Developed by sociologist and human behavior expert Brené Brown, the Dare to Lead™ curriculum—newly updated for 2021— is packed with tools and exercises to help you:

  • acquire the skills to handle difficult conversations;
  • identify your shame triggers so they lose their power over you;
  • build connection and trust at work;
  • live and lead from your values;
  • build courageous cultures through clear conversations;
  • reduce conflict with communication tools that build understanding;
  • take the focus off of being perfect (i.e. normalizing the human condition!);
  • stimulate growth through feedback conversations; and
  • rebound from setbacks.

We’ve all been rumbling with vulnerability through the pandemic, whether we acknowledge it as such or not. This curriculum has never been more relevant.


As Brené would say, “Embrace the suck.”

Your facilitator for the Dare to Lead™ immersion is Diane Lloyd, CEO, executive coach (PCC) and associate faculty at Royal Roads University. As a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, Diane leads with compassion and courage, bringing you in and holding you in a safe space…and gently prodding you to stretch for your best. Where other leadership development training focuses on what you need to DO, this training focuses on what kind of leader you want to BE.

Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.
Brené Brown

This whole process of the Dare to Lead program was a game changer for me. When you want to be a strong and positive leader all at the same time, this is the program that allows you to dig in deep to see the best way for you to become just that! The program allowed me the time to see some of the natural leadership skills that I already practiced, and it also showed me the areas of myself that needed to grow. The contents of the workbook, along with the videos and the conversations that followed really allowed me to look at leadership in a completely different view, and made me excited to be that positive leader!

—Brenda Miller, Edmonton Public Schools

Ready to Rumble?

What to expect when you attend Dare to Lead™ training, facilitated by Inspired Results Group:

  • Virtual learning, including videos exclusively made by Brené Brown for this course that are not available to the public.
  • Trust: creating it, deepening it, building on it.
  • Resilience: learning and growing from failure, setbacks, and disappointments.
  • Values: identifying them, operationalizing them, practicing them.
  • Vulnerability: facing risk, uncertainty and emotional exposure with courage and clarity.
  • Small-group discussion.
  • Self-reflection, and a workbook that supports it.
  • Super engaging content…that feels vulnerable, deep and REAL.
  • The kind of emotional connection with others that only a challenging journey can catalyze.
  • Guided meditations from Inspired Results coach, yoga and mindfulness instructor, Nicole McLellan.
  • Our safe, supportive learning space as you practice showing up with courage and vulnerability in small-group huddles.
  • Course completion. You are now Dare to Lead™ trained, and qualified to share the learning with your team at work.

This is a fast-paced learning experience with TONS of content, so we encourage you to create the space between sessions for reflection. Make time to revisit the workbook, and to watch the videos again, because they’re crammed with useful tips. We also suggest you get your head in the game by reading Dare to Lead before the training begins.

About the Dare to Lead™ Program

Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage-building program designed to be facilitated by organizational development professionals. Brené is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy, and most recently completed a seven-year study on courageous leadership. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and Dare to Lead, which also debuted at #1 on The Wall Street Journal and Publisher’s Weekly lists. 

The most significant finding from Brené’s latest research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable.

NOTE: Brené will NOT be at this training, however we will be viewing 11 special videos that she has created to support this learning experience. It will feel like Diane is co-facilitating with Brené and you will feel like you have special access to her teachings through this curated collection of DTL-specific training videos that are not available in the public domain.

What people are saying about Dare To Lead™ facilitated by Diane Lloyd ...


The Dare to Lead training our team participated in this year impacted each team member professionally and personally, and consequently made us a stronger team. As a team of mentors who work individually and collectively to provide mentorship to school division staff, the skills we learned with Diane Lloyd, through the DTL curriculum, has positioned us to more consistently be our best selves and as a result to do our best work to support the growth of others. It has given us a common language and a way of “being” when together as a team and with the colleagues we mentor. We lean into our shared understanding of tenets such as “Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.” when providing feedback, and NOT “armoring up” when receiving feedback from others. The growth we experienced has given us the skills to coach, mentor and empower others, not only at work but in our personal lives. 

Deborah Jackson, Manager of Career Transitions, Edmonton Public Schools


Diane created a very safe space for learning, sharing and being vulnerable.  She modelled vulnerability, being brave, and taking risks. Diane showed up during each session demonstrating authenticity, bringing her heart, her experience as well as her belief and commitment to the DTL content.  Her style was also very warm and accepting, patient and gently challenging people to stay brave and curious. It was an exceptional experience and provided a wonderful grounding in the Dare to Lead material ... thank you so much.

-Shana Ring, Founder of Destination Leadership


Diane and her Inspired Results Group team delivered a stellar experience for the first virtual Dare to Lead course. They provided a safe, considerate environment for all participants and delivered the content in a way that encourage participation from everyone. I have enjoyed working with Diane on strategic planning in the past and look forward to working with other members of her team to integrate the Dare to Lead tools in the very near future.  

John Hughes, Executive Director

Autumn 2021 Session

The Autumn 2021 delivery will be held virtually over 5 weeks with one 4-hour session per week.

Our Dare to Lead™ Autumn session is now closed for registration. You can add your name to the waitlist to be the first to know when 2022 dates are announced. 

Add my name to the waitlist!

We have to build cultures where armor is not rewarded.
This is the heart of daring leadership.

Brené Brown


Are you ready to change the way you
and elevate your impact?