BuildINg BelongINg: A New Path to INclusive Leadership
Hosted by Inspired Results Group on
Monday, January 17th from 1-4:30pm PST
Facilitated by Andrea Carey of INclusion INcorporated
As leaders in organizations, you influence 45% of the employee’s experience with feeling included. We are in rapidly changing times, and the opportunity to lead differently and inclusively is critical to the success of organizations as they plan forward. This workshop will explore the traits of Inclusive Leadership, talk about what that means and develop approaches to practicing those traits. This session will also explore how Inclusive Leadership fits into the overall Inclusion Action Plan for your organization, as well as some Systems and Mechanisms to support leading inclusively.
Your Course Facilitator
Andrea Carey is a Canadian Certified Inclusion Professional (CCIP), holds a Masters of Education in Leadership Studies and is a champion of inclusion. Andrea is currently working towards a Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching, is Dare to Lead™ trained and Nova Profile Certified. Andrea recently completed an appointment as a Special Advisor on Disability Inclusion for Minister Carla Qualtrough P.C., M.P.
Andrea works to support clients to create cultures of belonging and inclusion for everyone to thrive and has worked extensively on inclusion and improved access for Indigenous peoples, Newcomers, persons with disabilities and women and girls. She brings extensive experience in business operations, facility management, human resources, strategic planning, marketing, group facilitation, curriculum development and product development. Her passionate, playful and engaging approach to inclusion provides a platform for understanding the challenges, to develop a strategy that aligns the organization’s needs with global trends and connects clients to tools to ensure successful implementation.
What you'll walk away with:
- Knowledge of the 6 traits of an inclusive leaders;
- space for self-reflection on how you're showing up and 2 actions moving forward;
- reflection on your values and your organizations to create alignment;
- appreciation for the difference of your co-workers;
- connection to leaders eager to engage with this work.
Your Host
Diane Lloyd is a coach, speaker and facilitator with a superpower for creating safe and inspiring environments that create unguarded conversations and transformational change. She founded Inspired Results Group for leaders who are co-creating cultures, shaping conversations, and impacting lives in organizations around the world. Her company is redefining what leadership looks like over the next century. She is on a mission to end the era of command and control, and usher in the age of enlighten and empower. Diane and her team work with a variety of sectors and profiles, and have a special desire to work with leaders who are motivated to access their potential and create positive change in the world.